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- Create Date May 27, 2022
- Last Updated May 27, 2022
Voting BOD members present: Total votes 10 (plus Presidential tie-‐breaker)
G. Baffy, T. Krisztinicz, G. Acs, I. Harangozo, A. Varga, A. Khoor, T. Lajos, Z. Garami, P. Leidl, L. Toth
Advisory Board President: I. Somkuti
Advisory Board Members: I. Krisztinicz, A. Matolcsy, K. Kismartoni, P. Forbath
Alternate members present: Z. Gombos, M. Justin
Also present: I. Stadler, A. Stadler, S. Mechtler, G. Kovacs, L. Csathy
Agenda Item Presenter Discussion Action Needed Responsible
I. Presidential Address Baffy Dr. Baffy reported that both the scientific and
cultural/social events were highly successful. He heard
no complaints but only good remarks during the week.
However, many people approached him with ideas to
improve the conference. Dr. Akos Koller approached him
with the idea of having a joint meeting with Hungarian
medical associations of various specialties (i.e. family
medicine) and to organize a session at our Annual
Meeting together with them. In addition, we may also
consider participating at their meetings in Hungary,
which would provide us a great opportunity to advertise
the HMAA in Hungary. He also suggested that in addition
to our website, we should consider having a printed
brochure which we can distribute at various medical
events in Hungary.
Talk to Marcel Pop
about student exchange
program issues
Dr. Baffy further reported that with the potential money
from our pending grant application we can improve our
website and integrate the Hungary Chapter website in
the main HMAA site in order to make a statement that
we are one organization.
Dr. Baffy reported that he received many comments
from the students regarding the student exchange
program, stating that communications of the program
does not seem to function well. They emphasized that
that there are major differences in the awareness of our
program between universities. While students at Pecs
receive newsletters on email and Facebook (thanks to
the work of Gabor Horvath), students at Semmelweis
know very little about the program. This means that the
pool of students applying or our program is smaller than
it could be. In fact, although we have filled all our
positions this year, the number of applicants decreased
compared to years past. The BOD agreed that we should
have similar communication to students and advertising
our programs at all Hungarian medical schools. Dr. Baffy
noted that he will visit Hungary in the near future and
will meet with Marcel Pop, director of the foreign
programs office at Semmelweis to address these issues.
Dr. S. Mechtler suggested that we should consider
putting flyers about our program on the Facebook pages
of the Hungarian universities. Dr. Csathy noted that the
Hungary Chapter has several student representatives at
every Hungarian medical school and that the Hungary
Chapter and our program are present on the websites of
the universities as well as on the website of the MOK.
They are also in contact with the international programs
office at each university.3
II. Secretary’s Report Acs The date and time of the spring 2014 BOD meeting will
be May 17, 12:00 noon at the Conference Room, Dent
Institute, Buffalo, NY.
None N/A
III. Program Report I. Stadler Dr. Stadler reported that originally we had 63 lectures;
however, with 4 cancellations we ended up having 59.
The quality of the lectures was very good, all participants
have enjoyed them. He noted that the student lectures
were of very high quality. We will continue the
multidisciplinary conference style in the future. Although
there was a prior proposal that we should have a
separate session for the students, this year we had many
student presentations on very diverse topics, so he made
the decision to put them in their respective sections. This
approach worked well and the students received many
questions after their presentations.
Dr. Stadler reported that we will keep the same general
title for the meeting next year. He plans a session on
recent technical advances in medicine, i.e. remote
robotic surgery. He also asked for more suggestion for
topics. He stressed that we need to be more adherent to
the abstract submission deadline.
The date for the next Annual Scientific Meeting is
October 26 – 31, 2014.
Dr. Stadler proposed that Szilard Kiss should be named
associate program chair to help him organize the
scientific program. The BOD agreed.
Dr. Somkuti asked Dr. Stadler to send out the “Call for
Abstracts” earlier this year and at the same time strongly
encouraged online submission of the abstracts.
Report of detailed
expenses for various
Ribbons for the badges
of Sustaining Members
and Officers
Inclusion of the list
members donating to
the HMAA in the
Program Book
Dr. Harangozo
Dr. Acs, Dr.
Stadler, Dr.
and BOD
Dr. Stadler, Dr.
Dr. Somkuti noted that Dr. Hatchigian have again
donated $1,000 to the HMAA. He revisited the issue of
donation to the Association and urged members to do
so. He asked whether the BOD could make
recommendations for a certain amount of donation.
Following a discussion the BOD decided that the amount
should be left to individual members. It was noted that
there is an option to donate to the HMAA on our website
and that donations to the HMAA are tax deductible. Dr.
T. Krisztinicz pledged $2,000 donation to the Association.
He also suggested that the use of the donations coming
in during the year should be decided on the spring BOD
Dr. Acs suggested that those who donate should be
named Sustaining Members of the HMAA and have a
ribbon on their badge stating that status on the Annual
Meetings. It was suggested that we also should have
ribbons for officers and BOD members. The BOD agreed.
Dr. S. Mechtler suggested that we should include the
names of people donating to the HMAA in the program
book, maybe with ranges of donations. The BOD agreed.
Dr. Harangozo proposed that he will send out a detailed
expense report for the various functions to BOD
members to better understand the finances of the
meetings. At the same time he also emphasized the
importance of good communication between BOD
IV. New Business Dr. Baffy suggested that we have a strategic planning
meeting to discuss the goals of the HMAA for the next
five years. Dr. T. Krisztinicz also supported the idea to
form a smaller group of people who would meet before
Strategic planning
the spring BOD meeting to outline a strategic plan for the
organization and proposed that this committee should
submit a written report to the BOD for the next meeting.
It was decided that the committee will include at least,
but will not be limited to, the President, President-‐Elect,
immediate past President, Secretary and Treasurer.
It was suggested that we should have an event at the
Annual Meeting when the President meets the students
attending the meeting for lunch and have an informal
discussion. In addition, Dr. Garami suggested a “Meet
the Professor” session for the students, where they can
have informal discussions with senior members of the
HMAA and invited speakers.
Dr. Garami proposed that the fee for the social functions
should be included in the registration fee, which would
be easier for tax purposes. A discussion was held and it
was decided that the BOD will revisit the issue later.
However, it was decided that members who want to pay
for the social functions at the time of registration should
be able to do so.
President’s lunch with
the students
Meet the Professor
events for students
Dr. Garami,
Dr. Stadler
The date and time of the next BOD Meeting is May 17, 2014, 12:00 noon in the conference room of the Dent Institute, Buffalo, New York.
Submitted by:
Geza Acs, MD, PhD
Secretary, HMAA