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Voting BOD members present: Total votes 10 (plus Presidential tie-‐breaker)
G. Baffy, T. Krisztinicz, G. Acs, I. Harangozo, A. Varga, A. Khoor, T. Lajos, Z. Garami, P. Leidl, L. Toth
Advisory Board President: I. Somkuti
Advisory Board Members: I. Krisztinicz, A. Matolcsy, T. Peredy, K. Kismartoni
Alternate members present: Z. Gombos, J. Tanyi, M. Justin, G. Marosan
Also present: I. Stadler, A. Stadler, S. Mechtler, G. Kovacs, L. Csathy
Agenda Item Presenter Discussion Action Needed Responsible
I. Approval of Minutes Acs Quorum was established with 10 voting members
present. The Minutes of the May 2013 BOD meeting was
None N/A
II. Presidential Address Baffy Dr. Baffy has submitted a written report to the BOD
(please see attached).
Dr. Baffy thanked all BOD members, officers, and ad hoc
volunteer members of our Association for their hard work
in the past year. He noted that we had a highly successful
annual meeting in 2012, both in terms of the scientific
program and as a weeklong series of outstanding social
events. While the lion’s share of the credit respectively
goes to Drs. Istvan Stadler and Andrea Varga, there were
a great number of HMAA members who contributed to
None N/A2
the success of our flagship event.
He reported that the Balatonfured Student Meeting in
2013 has been a great success. The scientific program
was rich and diverse, the attendance was quite
substantial, many key position holders in the Hungarian
government and academic life were present, the social
functions were well organized, and many HMAA BOD
members had a chance to participate as well. He
expressed his gratitude and sincere thanks to the
conference organizers, the leadership of the Hungary
Chapter, and all the activists for this exemplary
achievement, now 6th time in a row. He expressed our
hope that this great tradition, which strengthens the
mission and image of the HMAA in Hungary, will
Dr. Baffy noted that one of the greatest benefits
associated with our Annual Meeting is the generous
amount of CME credit one may receive by attending the
5-‐day program. As our accreditation is secured through
the University of Buffalo, he stressed the importance of
keeping a stable and thriving relationship with the
Department of Continuing Education of this University.
The leadership of this department has just changed as
Ms. Alicia Blodgett was appointed the new director of
DCE at the University of Buffalo. He reported that he and
Dr. Stadler contacted Ms. Blodgett during the course of
the past summer and that Dr. Stadler submitted the
requested documents to keep our accreditation in good
Dr. Baffy reported that he was invited to speak at the 1st
Eastern and Central European Regional Conference of the 3
Association of Academic Health Centers International
(AAHCI) to be held in Budapest, November 7 -‐ 8.
Representing the HMAA as a successful and one of the
oldest ethnic medical societies, he chose the topic
“Collaboration and Exchange through Ethnic Medical
Organizations: An Enduring Mission”. His goal is to discuss
the role of ethnic medical societies in providing a portal
for professional and social networking as well as serving
as a bridge in the discovery – care continuum spanning
between academic centers and local communities in the
US and across the globe. He expressed his belief that the
mission of the HMAA and its over 45 years of history is a
great testament that we can fulfill this important role
with increasing success.
Dr Baffy emphasized that in order to further strengthen
the scientific aspects of our Annual Meeting, it is
important to have appropriate funds that help cover the
expenses of invited speakers. He proposed to establish
the HMAA President’s Choice Lecture Fund and
announced that he, along with his wife, Dr. Ildiko Halasz,
will contribute $2,000 to this fund and expressed his
hope that other BOD members will follow suit to make
this a robust device for securing renowned speakers at
the meeting, with the selection kept at the discretion of
the incumbent president.
As fundraising remains fundamentally important to keep
our Association viable and help achieve our goals, Dr.
Baffy noted that despite the unprecedented additions to
our budget seen in the past two years in the forms of gifts
and funds, we must continue to work on new monetary
sources to fund our activities. He therefore proposed to
consider the possibility of opening up our growing 4
website to advertising and explore the possibility to
partner with airlines and travel companies. At the same
time, he emphasized the importance of careful selection
of the advertisers and legally sound terms of agreement
to guide this process to make this a safe source of
revenue for our Association.
Dr. Baffy brought the BOD’s attention to the recently
established Hungary Initiatives Fund, which has a mission
to support organizations that aim to improve relations
between Hungary and the Hungarian diaspora. The
mission of HIF seems to overlap with our Association and
he noted that we may want to capitalize on their recent
grant announcement that could provide up to $10,000 for
the establishment or expansion of organizational
websites. The deadline for applications to target this
opportunity is November 15 and Dr. Baffy already asked
Adam Kornafeld, our website manager, to develop a
grant application. With the approval of the BOD, Dr. Baffy
hopes to secure funds for making our website
increasingly useful and competitive. The BOD agreed.
III. Secretary’s Report Acs Dr. Acs reminded the BOD that Dr. Harangozo had
previously raised the issue that BOD members should
contribute to the Association, and noted that this prior
proposal is well in line with Dr. Baffy’s of establishing a
Presidential Fund. He emphasized that every year we lose
money on the social programs, however, given their
importance for our meeting, he proposed that we should
consider contributing to support these functions. Dr. Acs
pledged that he will donate $1,000 for this fund.
Dr. Acs asked for details regarding the Marosvasarhely
Student award, and inquired whether this was a one time
None N/A5
offering or an ongoing proposal by the President. Dr.
Baffy replied that he had offered this Award
spontaneously at the time he participated at the
Marosvasarhely meeting, however, he would rather see
this as an ongoing project. Dr. Somkuti noted that since
the Marosvasarhely University teaches in Hungarian, an
ongoing award would be favored. He also noted that the
students from that University also participate at the
Balatonfured meeting. Dr. Acs noted that this award
would be an excellent opportunity to engage Hungarian
medical students from the countries surrounding
Hungary in the activities of our Association and proposed
that we should consider bringing it together with Dr.
Gombos’ prior proposal for Slovakian students. We might
also consider expanding such opportunities to nonHungarian students from these Universities as it may
foster a better relationship between medical students
from Hungary and neighboring countries.
Dr. Acs reminded the BOD that we have asked for a
follow-‐up on the Fellowship Committee with regards to
guidelines and the application process. At the last
meeting the BOD has also asked for a detailed budget for
the student exchange program to better understand how
our money is spent. He also reminded the BOD that on
our previous meeting we discussed the option of
investing our assets on the market and intended to form
a committee to explore this possibility.
IV. Treasurer’s Report Harangozo Dr. Harangozo has submitted a written report to the BOD
(please see attached).
He emphasized that without the major contributions
occurring in the past couple of years, the Association has
To form an ad hoc
committee to explore
investment of part of
the assets of the
Dr. Harangozo
and BOD6
lost a substantial amount of money and noted that our
payouts are greater than our regular income. He
emphasized that BOD members should strongly consider
contributing money to our cause.
Dr. Somkuti asked where money was lost in 2010 and
2011, because we used to be quite stable over the years.
According to Dr. Harangozo, the primary cause of losing
money is the student exchange program, which is our
major expense with $14,000 per year. We also lost
$7,000 on our conference last year (compared to a loss of
$2,000 in the two preceding years). Dr. Harangozo
proposed that we should consider reducing the student
exchange program to 6 months and that we should
consider looking for an alternative rental apartment in
Buffalo. Dr. Garami agreed and proposed to form a
committee to look for a new apartment for the students,
because the current one in worn down. Dr. S. Mechtler
noted that other apartments may cost us significantly
more than the current one, which is near to all the
hospitals and is located in not the best of neighborhoods.
Dr. Baffy stressed the importance of our exchange
program which we want to showcase and that we should
do everything to expand rather than to shrink the
program. The BOD agreed that the details of the
exchange program should be handled by the student
exchange committee.
Dr. Somkuti again proposed that the student exchange
committee should present a detailed budget for the
exchange program to the Board to better understand our
expanses and help guide future decisions.
A discussion was held about the registration fees for the
To present detailed
budget for student
exchange program to
the BOD
Discontinue one day
Dr. L. Mechtler
and Student
Dr. Stadler
and BOD7
Annual Meeting. Dr. Acs made a motion that we should
discontinue to offer one day registration. Dr. Khoor
seconded. The BOD approved the motion.
V. Program Report I. Stadler Dr. Stadler thanked the BOD for the opportunity to
organize the scientific program and he thanked the
contribution of committee members including Drs. Baffy,
Acs, T. Krisztinicz, Kiss, Seres, Csathy, Tanyi and Zsenits.
He reported that originally we had 63 accepted
presentations. There were 7 cancellations, however,
some of those could be replaced. This year we have 11
young investigators to lecture including Kornel Danos,
winner of the Ivan Krisztinicz Award supported by the
HMAA, Attila Liptak, winner of the Student Scientific
Travel Award supported by Drs. P. and G. Acs and
Annabella Benedek form Marosvasarhely, winner of the
award supported by Dr. Baffy. Dr. Stadler reported that
the first day of the program was successful.
Dr. Stadler noted that there is a new CME director at the
University of Buffalo. Dr. Stadler met with the new
director and she was very cooperative. We have been
approved for 24 category 1 credits for this year’s meeting
(Family Medicine). However, there is a new evaluation
system in place from this year to obtain credits which
means that we have to evaluate each lecture individually.
He emphasized the importance of adhering to abstract
submission deadlines as we need to apply for CME credits
six months in advance of the meeting. He noted that we
have to strictly adhere to the June 30 deadline for
abstract submission.
Dr. Stadler reported to the BOD that this year we have 10
invited speakers and 11 young investigators (students).
Format of publication
of the Abstract at the
Balatonfured meeting
(omit ISBN and volume
Csathy and
organizers of
Although he has no final numbers, the invited speakers
are estimated to cost the Association approximately
$8,000. He noted that the students also cost us some
money as they pay no registration fee and they have free
accommodations and waived fee for the social programs.
Dr. Stadler asked for suggestions for main topics for next
Dr Acs suggested that we should financially separate the
scientific part of the meeting from the social one. He
stressed that we should aim to keep the highest possible
level of the scientific program. He noted that we lose
money on the social functions and suggested that we
should make contributions to help fund the social
programs as they are also a crucial part of the Annual
Dr. Stadler raised the issue that the Balatonfured meeting
appears to be a competition for our Annual Meeting. He
noted that for the Balatonfured meeting the organizers
used the form of our Archives, including the volume
number and ISBN number and he questioned whether
this is in line with current guidelines and standards. The
BOD suggested that the organizers of the Balatonfured
Meeting may use the format of our Archives, however
they should omit the ISBN number and volume number
from the publication. Dr. Acs emphasized that the
audience of the Balatonfured Student Meeting is
different from our Annual Meeting and suggested that we
consider the student meeting as an investment in the
future of the Association. Dr. Baffy also praised the work
of the Hungary Chapter and their support and
congratulated the organizers for the increasing success of 9
the Balatonfured student meeting. He expressed his
gratitude to the organizers in Hungary and noted that he
considers the Balatonfured meeting a great achievement.
Dr. Baffy emphasized that our organization should grow,
otherwise it will die and that we consider the Hungary
Chapter and their work as part of this strategy. Dr. Csathy
commented that the Balatonfured student meeting was
organized with the approval of the BOD and that its main
purpose is to advertise the HMAA at the Hungarian
medical universities and the Magyar Orvosi Kamara
(MOK). The BOD agreed that the Balatonfured meeting is
a student conference, it supports the mission of the
HHMAA and in no way represents a competition for the
Annual Scientific Meeting of the HMMAA.
VI. Social Program
Planning Committee
Varga Dr. Varga thanked BOD members for their help in
organizing the social events. She reported that the costs
for the social functions are increasing. She noted that we
are able to make cost, but we do not make any profit on
these functions. She noted that the price of the banquet
ticket is $75 and the actual cost to us is $74.66, not
including music. She noted that at the last BOD meeting
there was a motion to increase the price of the banquet
ticket, however no action was taken at that time. To be
able to make cost, we had to increase the price for the
drink tickets this year. She reported that we have already
sold 117 tickets for the banquet this year.
Dr. Varga reported that there will be a new Halloween
function this year on Thursday night. The Eletfa group will
play on the Kocsma party on Friday evening. The cost for
that function is $41.50 per person. As were are barely
able to make cost, she made a motion that we should
increase the price for the Kocsma Party by 10-‐15%. The
Increase the cost of
Kocsma Party by 10-‐
motion was seconded and the BOD approved it.
VII. Membership Report S. Mechtler Dr. S. Mechtler has submitted a written report to the BOD
(please see attached).
Dr. S. Mechtler reported that he is in the process of
updating the contact information of HMAA members and
that he needs to communicate with Adam Kornafeld and
work with him on updating the membership list on our
website. He reported that with the new website functions
he receives email notifications about members paying
dues and registering for the meeting. However, he still
has problems with members paying dues here at the
Annual Meeting. He reported that the number of paid
members is currently 92, which is quite high for October,
and that he expects that at least 10 additional members
will pay their dues here at the Meeting. Responding to a
question from the BOD he noted that active members are
those ones who have paid dues in the past but have not
done so recently (in contrast to paid members). If
members on the Active list do not pay dues for three
years, they are moved to the Inactive Members list. A
discussion was held about potential strategies to reengage inactive members and a promotion to bring in
new members to the Association.
Dr. Acs reminded the BOD that we have a flyer about the
upcoming Annual Meeting which he will distribute to all
members and encouraged them to display it on the
bulletin boards of the various meetings they attend.
None N/A
VIII. Student Exchange
L. Mechtler Dr. L. Mechtler has not submitted a report to the BOD.
Dr. Garami reported that he is hosting one student
Guidelines for
Fellowship applications
supported by the HAESF, under the umbrella of the
Dr. Acs asked whether the Fellowship Committee had any
developments regarding the guidelines of the Fellowship
Program, as requested by the BOD at the last meeting.
There was no update on the Fellowship Committee.
Dr. Acs further noted that at the last BOD meeting Dr.
Garami proposed that he would provide an opportunity
for the Gyermekrak Allapitvany of Mr. Balogh to host a
fellow from Hungary. Dr. Garami reported that he indeed
made a proposal to Mr. Balogh, however he received no
response. Dr. Garami had no further communication with
Mr. Balogh.
IX. Publications
Somkuti Dr. Somkuti thanked Adam Kornafeld for developing
online abstract submission on our website, which worked
very well this year. He suggested that we should
encourage all members to submit their abstracts online.
None N/A
X. Awards Committee Somkuti Dr. Somkuti reported that awardees for next year will be
decided on the spring BOD meeting. He asked BOD
members for suggestions for awardees.
Suggestions for
XI. Public Relations Matolcsy Dr. Matolcsy reported that in 2011 the chancellor of the
University of Massachusetts visited Semmelweis
University in Budapest and was impressed with that
medical school. The chancellor wanted to develop a new
student exchange program between the universities. The
chancellor of Semmelweis visited the University of
Massachusetts and Dr. Matolcsy attended a dinner with
the chancellors at that time. An agreement was made
between the universities. Dr. Matolcsy suggested to them
None N/A12
that as we have experience in student exchange
programs we can help in this project. He reported that
although this program is not funded by the HMAA, there
will likely be students rotating at the University of
Massachusetts from Hungary.
Dr. Matolcsy proposed that, although Christian Sauska
could not attend this year’s Meeting, we should award
him with honorary membership in the HMAA. The BOD
supported the proposal and decided that the President
will send a letter to Mr. Sauska regarding this matter.
Dr. Matolcsy further reported that he had the
opportunity to have dinner with the Hungarian Minister
of Health, who sent his regards to the HMAA and
apologized that he was not able to attend the Meeting.
XII. New England Chapter
Baffy Dr. Baffy reported that the online payment of dues seems
to be working for the chapter. He reported that Dr. Craig
Mellow had to cancel his lecture at their chapter meeting,
however, they have a rain check from him. Dr. George
Kunos gave a presentation to the chapter. They are
planning to have an upcoming meeting in December. He
further reported that Mr. Ader, the President of Hungary
has visited Boston recently and they had two events with
him at the consulate and at the Tudos Klub at Laszlo
Barabas’ place, respectively. Dr. Baffy had an opportunity
to talk to Mr. Ader about the HMAA and its activities.
None N/A
XIII. Hungary Chapter
Csathy Dr. Csathy reported that the MET approached the
Hungary Chapter to organize a joint conference using the
venue of the Balatonfured Meeting. The Hungary Chapter
leadership felt that this would not be advantageous for
them and although they can support the cause of the
None N/A13
MET, the Balatonfured Meeting should remain a student
meeting completely unrelated to the MET. He proposed
that members of the Hungary Chapter and even HMAA
BOD members may participate at the MET meeting, but
emphasized that the Balatonfured Student Meeting
should be kept as a separate event. The BOD agreed.
XIV. Report from
Kovacs Dr. Kovacs reported that he tried to invite German
colleagues to the meeting and hopes to do that in the
future as well.
None N/A
XV. Old Business Dr. Baffy reported that a recent unfortunate issue
requires a brief discussion by the BOD, pertaining to our
apparent involvement in the financial scandal brought
upon us by the Doktorevents Kft. He reported that this
company had promised to organize a trip for over 60
colleagues in Hungary to our Annual Meeting, but their
plan fell apart and currently there are multiple lawsuits
initiated to force the company to pay for damages and
recovery. He reminded the BOD of our discussion at the
last spring BOD meeting in response to the enquiry of Mr.
Janos Csermak, director of Doktorevents Kft. about
allowing them to introduce and advertise their unnamed
pharmaceutical products linked to the sponsorship of
attendance from Hungary at our Meeting. The BOD’s
decision at that time was to fully separate our Association
from this initiative in order to preserve the integrity of
the HMAA and not to jeopardize our highly valued CME
accreditation. We also demanded the removal of any
reference to the HMAA on the website of Doktorevents
Kft. Dr. Baffy further reported that both he and Dr. Csathy
have provided the Hungarian authorities with multiple
affidavits and documentation proving that the HMAA had
not been involved in this apparently ill-‐fated scheme and
None N/A14
would not assume any responsibility. He noted that this
story should serve as a critical reminder that we must be
highly vigilant and cautious when making commitments
in similar situations.
XVI. New Business None None N/A
The date and time of the next BOD meeting is November 1, 2013, 2:00 pm at the Helmsley Sandcastle Hotel, Sarasota, FL.
Submitted by:
Geza Acs, MD, PhD
Secretary, HMAA