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Voting BOD members present: Total votes 10 (plus Presidential tie-‐breaker)
G. Baffy, T. Krisztinicz, G. Acs, I. Harangozo, A. Varga, A. Khoor, T. Lajos, Z. Garami, P. Leidl, L. Toth
Advisory Board President: I. Somkuti
Advisory Board Members: I. Krisztinicz, L. Mechtler (via Skype)
Alternate members present: Z. Gombos, J. Tanyi, M. Justin
Also present: I. Stadler, A. Stadler, S. Mechtler, L. Csathy (via Skype)
Agenda Item Presenter Discussion Action Needed Responsible
I. Approval of Minutes Acs Quorum was established with 10 voting members
present. The Minutes of the October 2012 BOD meetings
were approved.
None N/A
II. Presidential Address Baffy Dr. Baffy recognized the work of officers and BOD
A one minute silence was held in recognition of Dr.
Stephen Frater and Mrs. Charlotte Lajos, who passed
away recently.
Dr. Baffy reported that he participated on the 20th
Annual Scientific Meeting of the Hungarian Student
Organization of Marosvasarhely, where he offered an
award for the best paper presented. The winner of the
award was Ildiko A. Benedek, who will participate on our
Annual Meeting in Sarasota. Since pediatrics dominated
None N/A2
the meeting, Johanna Keri won an award for the best
paper in pediatrics to participate and present at the
Balatonfured meeting.
Dr. Baffy reported that he was approached by Diamond
Congress Kft, who offered to help organizing our
meetings in Hungary. He was also approached by Janos
Csermak from Doktorevents Kft., who proposed to
organize and support Hungarian physicians to participate
at our meeting in exchange for an opportunity to
promote a Hong Kong based pharmaceutical company’s
product. The BOD will revisit these proposals under New
Dr. Baffy received several HMAA Fellowship applications
from Hungarian physicians. The BOD will discuss the
state of the fellowship program under the Student
Exchange Program Report.
Dr. Baffy reported that we had some problems with the
HMAA website and we had to change providers. The new
company appears to be superior compared to the prior
one and the website is running smoothly. We will need
to provide credit card information to the company, as
they do not accept payment from our PayPal account.
III. Secretary’s Report Acs Dr. Acs reminded the BOD of some follow-‐up items from
the previous BOD Meeting, including the development of
guidelines for keynote speakers (Dr. Somkuti), update of
online abstract submission forms (Drs. Stadler and
Somkuti), fee structure proposal for the Hungary Chapter
(Dr. Csathy), incentive for membership dues (Drs. S.
Mechtler and Stadler), developing a budget for the
student exchange program (Dr. L. Mechtler) and
archiving of old HMAA material.
Dr. Acs reported that he participated at the Student
Scientific Conference at DOTE and gave a brief
None N/A3
presentation about the HMAA and the Student Award on
the closing ceremony with a very positive response. He
reported that he had already received the abstracts of
the applicants for this year’s Student Award and that the
committee is in the process of selecting the winner.
IV. Treasurer’s Report Harangozo Dr. Harangozo provided a written report to the BOD.
Dr. Harangozo reported that the financial status of the
HMAA is good, thanks in part to a $10,000 donation from
Mrs. Zsigmond in name of her late husband. Mrs.
Zsigmond asked that the BOD considers a memorial
lecture in her husband’s name and that the funds may be
used to support invited lecturers for that purpose.
A discussion was held about the importance of not losing
money on our scientific meeting. Dr. Somkuti suggested
that we look at the details of the expenses during the
past 5 years and establish a budget for the meetings
going forward. The cost for invited speaker
reimbursement and the student exchange program were
identified as the major expenses for the Association.
In order to increase our revenue and solidify our future,
Dr. Harangozo called for annual donations from the BOD
members. Dr. Acs suggested that members providing
donations may be recognized as Sustaining Members of
the HMAA.
A discussion was held about the possibility of investing
some of our assets. Dr. Somkuti made a motion to form
an ad hoc committee which will consult with investment
advisors to explore this possibility and come back to the
BOD with specific recommendations. Dr. T. Krisztinicz
seconded the motion. However no vote was held and the
BOD will revisit the issue.
To form an ad hoc
committee to explore
investment of part of
the assets of the HMAA.
V. Program Report I. Stadler Dr. Stadler has submitted a written report to the BOD None N/A4
summarizing the evaluation of the 2012 Annual Scientific
Meeting, which had 112 registered participants.
The title for the 2013, 45th Annual Scientific Meeting will
remain the same. Suggested topics for the meeting
include network perspectives in biology and medicine,
obesity, inflammation and cancer, cardiology, obstetrics
and gynecology, surgery, family medicine, pathology,
pediatrics and basic biomedical sciences. A memorial
lectureship in the name of Dr. Elemer Zsigmond is
planned. Dr. Stadler encouraged participants to submit
their abstracts electronically through the website.
The BOD confirmed that reimbursement for invited
speakers will be $300 for travel expenses and 2 night
accommodation for speakers from the US and $500 for
travel expenses and 3 night accommodation for speakers
coming from overseas. Invitations for speakers should be
approved by Dr. Stadler and/or the President.
A discussion was held regarding the keynote speaker for
the upcoming meeting. The BOD supported Dr. Garami’s
suggestion to invite Dr. Tom Marshburn, a physician
astronaut who would talk about space medicine.
VI. Social Program
Planning Committee
Varga Dr. Varga reported to the BOD that the feedback
regarding the social programs on the 2012 Annual
Meeting was good.
Programs planned for the 2013 Annual Meeting include
the Opening Reception on Sunday, where the children
folk ensemble will give a presentation. The Banquet will
be held on Wednesday in the Sarasota Yacht Club. On
Thursday the water polo game, langos party and the
children’s Halloween function will be held. An adult
Halloween costume party is also planned for that day.
The Kocsma Party will be held on Friday. A fishing
tournament will also be organized depending on weather
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VII. Membership Report S. Mechtler Dr. S. Mechtler provided a written report for the BOD.
He reported that with the introduction of the new
website we have the capabilities for on-‐line registration
and dues payment. He noted that he still has some
problems with obtaining an up to date membership list.
Dr. Garami and Adam Kornafeld will assist him with this
Dr. S. Mechtler further reported that he purchased the
latest edition of the Quickbook software which enables
him to distribute the yearly dues invoices via email.
A discussion was held about necessary improvements for
the HMAA website and decision was made that members
having website concerns should contact Dr. Garami.
The BOD clarified that according to the HMAA by-‐laws,
any licensed healthcare practitioner can be a member of
the Association, including dentists, pharmacists and
biomedical researchers, who should pay the same
membership dues as medical doctor members.
None N/A
VIII. Student Exchange
L. Mechtler Dr. L. Mechtler submitted a written report to the BOD.
He also made some recommendation to the BOD,
1. To separate the student exchange and fellowship
programs as currently there is some confusion between
2. To make a decision whether the HMAA can support
stipends for non-‐medical doctors (specifically dentists
and PhDs) as well as to non-‐Hungarian students studying
at Hungarian Universities and Hungarian students from
outside of Hungary, who wish to participate in the
exchange program.
3. He asked for continued acknowledgement and support
Develop guidelines for
Fellowship Program and
Communicate with Mr.
Balogh regarding their
opportunity for Mr.
Balogh’s program.
Drs. Pirko,
Tanyi and
Dr. Garami6
for Eva Tamoga, who is crucial to the exchange program.
Dr. L. Mechtler reported that he will meet with the new
dean of the University of Buffalo as well as the new
Medical Director of Roswell Park Cancer Center to
discuss the exchange program with them.
A discussion was held about the fellowship program. Dr.
Garami made a motion to establish a Fellowship
Committee headed by Dr. Pirko, and including Drs. Tanyi
and Gombos as members. The committee will establish
the guidelines for the fellowship program and handle the
applications. The BOD agreed.
Dr. L. Mechtler noted that there was some
misunderstanding in our communications with Mr.
Balogh from the Gyermekrak Alapitvany. Dr. Somkuti
reminded the BOD that according to our prior
discussions, on a trial basis Mr. Balogh agreed to
financially support 5-‐6 students to participate in the
exchange program and we would help arrange research
or observership opportunity for the Hungarian physicians
he supports. Dr. Garami proposed that he is willing to
place one physician and support a J-‐1 visa for him/her if
Mr. Balogh provides the financial support. Dr. L.
Mechtler asked the BOD to appoint a contact person to
communicate with Mr. Balogh. The BOD decided that the
Fellowship Committee will take on this task; Dr. Baffy will
communicate with Dr. Pirko in this regard.
IX. Publications
Somkuti Dr. Somkuti reported that he had not received any
material for the spring issue of the Archives. He
requested material for the fall issue.
None N/A
X. Awards Committee Somkuti On behalf of the Awards Committee Dr. Somkuti
recommended that we award Drs. K. Kismartoni and I.
Stadler the Lifetime Member Awards this year. The BOD
None N/A7
Dr. Gombos reminded the BOD that he had previously
proposed to establish an award for Hungarian medical
students from Slovakia to participate and present on the
Annual Meeting, however, he received little response. He
now proposed a collaboration with the MET to establish
an award to provide funding and opportunity for ethnic
Hungarian medical students from outside of Hungary to
participate and present at the Annual Scientific Meeting.
With the Board’s support, Dr. Gombos will continue to
work on this program. The BOD noted that the selection
criteria for the award should also be worked out.
XI. Public Relations Matolcsy Dr. Matolcsy has submitted no report to the BOD. None N/A
XII. New England Chapter
Baffy Dr. Baffy reported that the state of the NEC is good, they
have 15 members, the highest number so far.
They held a meeting in December, 2012 in
Southborough, MA, where a video presentation was held
in remembrance of Janos Szentagothay’s 100th birthday.
They planned a meeting for February 2013 with a lecture
by Nobel Laureate Dr. Craig Mello, however, he
unfortunately had to cancel due to inclement weather.
None N/A
XIII. Hungary Chapter
Csathy Dr. Csathy has submitted a written report for the BOD.
Dr. Csathy requested the BOD to provide $1000 support
for the Hungary Chapter to improve their financial status
and support the Balatonfured Conference. Following a
discussion the BOD decided that we already provide
support in the form of the student award and cannot
afford further financial support at this time.
None N/A
XIV. Report from
Kovacs Dr. Kovacs has submitted no report to the Board. None N/A8
XV. Old Business None None N/A
XVI. New Business With regard to the Doktorevents Kft. and Mr. Csermak’s
proposal the BOD decided that we do not wish to have a
relationship with them. It was noted that they have
already used our logo and pictures from our website to
promote theirs. The BOD decided that Dr. Baffy should
communicate with Mr. Csermak and ask him to remove
our logo and pictures from their website as they were
used without our permission and let him know that we
do not wish to have a relationship with them.
None N/A
The date and time of the next BOD Meeting is October 28, 2013, 8 pm in the conference room of the Helmsley Sandcastle Hotel.
Submitted by:
Geza Acs, MD, PhD
Secretary, HMAA