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Voting BOD members present: total votes 10 (plus Presidential tie-breaker)
T. Peredy , I. Somkuti, I. Harangozo, G. Acs, Z. Garami, G. Baffy , A. Varga, P. Leidl, I.
Advisory Board President: L. Mechtler (one vote)
I. Krisztinicz, P. Forbath, I. Frater, P. Petrusz, K. Kismartoni, G. Haas, A. Matolcsy
Alternates: G. Paragh, Z. Gombos, L. Toth, L. Miskolczi, E. Bodnar, A. Tarnoki
Also present: I. Stadler, S. Mechtler, I. Halasz (Chair of Auxiliary), A. Stadler,
I. Elections
Dr. Peredy introduced the new board members elected by the membership on October 29,
2008. Dr. T. Krisztinicz was re-elected for his second term (2008-2012) as Member of
the BOD. Drs. Leidl and Pirko were elected Members of the Board for their first term
(2008-2012). Drs. Paragh, Gombos, Miskolczi, Toth, Bodnar and A. Tarnoki were
elected Alternate Members of the BOD (2008-2010). Dr. Haas introduced the officers:
President: Dr. Peredy; President-elect: Dr. Somkuti; Secretary: Dr. Acs; Treasurer: Dr.
Harangozo. Dr. Petrusz was re-elected by the BOD as member of the Advisory Council.
II. April 2009 BOD Meeting
The date and time of the 2009 Spring BOD meeting is April 18, 2009, 12 noon, as approved by
the Board.
III. Format of the Annual Meetings
The Board discussed the proposal of changing the format of the Annual Meetings (as
previously proposed and discussed on prior BOD meeting). According to the proposal the
meeting would Start on Wednesday evening with a social function and last until Sunday.
Dr. Stadler indicated that the proposed date of the 2009 Annual Meeting is October 25-30
(corresponding to the 43rd week of the timeshare calendar). Although the proposed
changes were previously discussed, the Board re-evaluated the advantages and
disadvantages of changing the format of the meetings. Dr. Matolcsy spoke against the
proposed changes, noting that the Annual Meeting is more than a professional session,
rather it is a family meeting. He also emphasized that shortening the meeting would also
mean that we could offer less CME credit hours. Dr. L. Mechtler stated that the proposed
new format would be better for the younger, professionally active members. He noted
that the issue was previously discussed and even voted on, and recommended tabling the2
question. Dr. Haas emphasized that, although he is very busy professionally, it is exactly
the current format of the meeting that brings him to Sarasota every year, and noted that
shortening the meeting would reduce its family value. Dr. Peredy suggested that rather
than shortening the meeting, we should reorganize the scientific sessions and social
functions in order to shorten the time it would be necessary to attend the meeting for
those members who cannot stay for the entire week. Dr. Stadler stated that with a shorter
meeting we cannot provide the same number of CME hours and that we would also have
to reduce the registration fee. Dr. Leidl noted that the idea behind changing the meeting
format was to increase attendance. His experience, based on his discussion with
attendees, was that shortening the meeting would not achieve this purpose. Dr. Somkuti
also emphasized that our society is not purely scientific, but it is also a social society. A
shortened meeting would put burden on our European members. In his opinion, with the
recent changes in visa requirements, we should not think about shortening the meeting
but rather, we should think about ways to make it more attractive. Dr. Baffy noted that
although he originally favored the shortened meeting format, hearing the arguments put
forward, he became uncertain. However, he emphasized the need to have a scientifically
strong meeting. Drs. T. Krisztinicz and Harangozo also argued for keeping the current
format. An informal vote regarding changing the meeting format was taken, which
indicated that 18 vs 6 members present would favor keeping the current meeting format.
It was decided that a committee will be formed to examine the pros and cons of changing
the meeting format and committe will make a recommendation for the Board.
IV. New Business
A new stationary will be created and distributed among officers and Board Members. Dr.
Stadler will send Letters of Thank You to invited speakers in the name of the Board. Dr.
Peredy emphasized the importance of communication between Members of the Board.
Submitted by
Geza Acs, MD, PhD