Dr. Virga graduated from Debrecen University School of Medicine (DOTE) in Hungary and she is board certified in neurology and psychiatry. She came to the USA in 1987 and worked in neuroanatomy research at Boston University. She finished her residency in neurology and a fellowship in neuromuscular/EMG and neuropathology at UMASS Medical Center. She has been practicing neurology in Concord Massachusetts since 1996 and serves as Chief of Department of Neurology. Dr. Virga is a long time HMAA member and has served as secretary of the HMAA New England Chapter since 2006. She is Past-President of the Hungarian Society of Massachusetts and serves as the Vice President of the Hungarian American Coalition, Medical Ambassador of the Hungarian Hub “Korhatartalan” and “segitseg.ma” projects helping Hungarian Americans with medical, mental, spiritual and practical advice. Dr. Virga is organizer of many cultural, and scientific events, enthusiastic supporter of strong Hungarian-American cultural, scientific relations and cooperation with special attention to the healthcare system, neuroscience and medicine. For these achievements Dr. Virga was awarded the Golden Cross of Merit of the Republic of Hungary on March 15, 2021. She is the proud mother of three bilingual children, who all keep close relations with their Hungarian heritage and are active in promoting the mutual good relations and Hungarian-American organizations. As member of the HMAA Board, in the future, she would like to focus on membership drive, fundraising, sustainability, increased communication and outreach to members and regional organizations, widen relations with other professional organizations, and would like to help to organize various events.