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Voting BOD members present: total votes 10 (plus Presidential tie-breaker)
I. Somkuti, G. Baffy, G. Acs, I. Pirko, Z. Garami, T. Krisztinicz, T. Lajos,
Advisory Board President: T. Peredy
K. Kismartoni, A. Matolcsy, I. Krisztinicz, P. Petrusz, P. Forbath
Alternates: L. Toth, A. Khoor, A. Tarnoki, L. Csathy (voting), Z. Gombos (voting), G.
Kovacs (voting)
Also present: I. Stadler, A. Stadler, I. Mechtler
Quorum was established. Dr Somkuti thanked everybody for their efforts and
I. Spring BOD Meeting
The date and time of the meeting was established to be Saturday, April 14, 2012 at 12
II. Summary of Monday’s BOD meeting
Dr. Somkuti summarized the discussions of Monday (see separate report).
III. Program Report
Dr. Stadler reported that we had a successful meeting and the preliminary evaluations are
good. The Board agreed that adherence to the time limits of presentations is an issue on
occasion and suggested that next year we should introduce a bell to give warning. Other,
computer based options were also discussed. The BOD decided that Dr. Stadler will have
the authority to make a decision with this regard for next year. Dr. Garami suggested that
all lectures should be the same length, capped at 15 or 20 minutes. The Board agreed,
noting that rare exception may be made for distinguished speakers at the discretion of the
President or the Program Chair.
With regard to next year’s Annual Meeting, Dr. Stadler announced that the dates of the
next meeting are October 28 – November 2, 2012 and that the title of the Meeting willremain the same. With regards to the scientific program Dr. Petrusz suggested the
organization of a plastic surgery session. The proposal for the Alker memorial session
was also suggested previously by Dr. I. Krisztinicz. A discussion was held about potential
keynote lecturers for the banquet and the BOD felt that a lecture about Dr. Alker would
be preferable for this occasion. Dr. I. Krisztinicz will work on this issue in the following
months and the BOD and will revisit the issue in April. It was also decided that
consideration will be given to another memorial Dr. Selye session as well and it was
suggested that we could invite Dr. Kalman Kovacs from Toronto, a distinguished
pathologist, who was also a student of Dr. Selye to give this presentation.
IV. Planning for next year’s meeting
Dr. Somkuti noted that this year we have spent $16,000.00 on invited speakers and
strongly suggested that we should adhere to the set limits for invited speakers. Dr. Stadler
noted that some of this issue is present due to last year’s commitments. Dr. Matolcsy
noted that less people are staying in the hotel, thus we receive less free rooms, which may
contribute to the problem. The BOD will investigate this issue.
V. Social Planning
Dr. Varga reported that she was able to reserve Thursday for next year’s Banquet,
meaning that next year we can have our social functions according to the timeline they
used to be in the past years.
VI. Membership
Dr. I. Mechtler noted that some ladies indicated to him that they wish to join the HMAA
but they are not from a medical background. The BOD noted that we have volunteer
members and their membership is free of charge and suggested that we should encourage
these volunteers to join. Dr. I. Mechtler noted that he has 4-500 names on the inactive
member list. We should consider re-contacting these people somehow in order to try to
recruit them back into our Association. Dr. Matolcsy noted that we should update our
brochure for public relations and promotion purposes and indicated that in his opinion we
attract people based on their hearts rather than their minds. Dr. Somkuti requested that as
public relations chair, Dr Matolcsy should submit a written report to the Board
summarizing his efforts in this regard.
VII. Old Business
With regards to the HAESF, Dr. Peredy noted that he knows their leaders personally and
if we have any issue we should let him know so that he can address these. Dr. Garamisummarized the housing issues and the 12 months fellowships form HAESF as discussed
With regard to the website Dr. Garami reported that, after discussions of the website
committee, by next year we will have a new website completed with all features
including online registration, abstract submission and payment.
Dr. Acs noted that we need nominations for next year’s Lifetime Member Awards. The
BOD will decide at the April BOD Meeting.
Dr. Matolcsy noted that people have been asking about an HMAA shirt. It was suggested
that since Dr. Harangozo arranged the production of these shirts in the past, the Board
will contact him to organize the production of these items again.
Dr. Somkuti announced that Dr. Hatchigian has again donated $1,000.00 and Erika Fedor
from the Hungarian American Federation has donated $200.00 to our Association. It was
noted by Dr. Lajos that despite their donations, we should not get involved with a highly
political organization like he Hungarian American Federation and the BOD agreed.
VII. New Business
Dr. Gombos proposed the establishment of a Student Award for Slovakian Hungarian
medical students. The Board will have further discussions at next meeting regarding this
VIII. List of Items for Follow-Up
1. Keynote presentation (Dr. I. Krisztinicz)
2. Website (Dr. Garami)
3. Nominations for Lifetime Member Award (Dr. Somkuti, Dr. Acs)
4. HMAA shirts (Dr. Harangozo).
5. Slovakian Hungarian Medical Student Award (Dr. Gombos)
Submitted by
Geza Acs, MD, PhD